Get fresh produce and create opportunities for life transformation
Every Restore Farms box is carefully curated with a variety of fresh quality produce and recipes to encourage a healthy lifestyle.
Our boxes include produce grown locally by Restore Farms and supplemented by other growers. We’ll tell you exactly where each item comes from.
Restore Farms is a venture of Restore Merced. Our fresh produce boxes are the fruit of the labor and life change of our employees.
Restore Farms is a venture of Restore Merced that brings together people-focused transformational work and the industry that has most shaped our valley. We grow and sell fresh produce while providing employment and training to individuals with barriers to employment – stewarding the resources of Merced County for the good of the whole community.
Restore Farms Produce
Restore Farms Produce
Restore Farms Carry Bag
Restore Farms Produce
Restore Farms Produce
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